
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Make Family Devotions Exciting with Devotions for Families That Can’t Sit Still by Carolyn Williford

When you call your kids for family devotions, do they roll their eyes and say, "Boring...." ? Family devotions with your kids can easily become routine, repetitive, and unimaginative.

If you've been looking for a way to liven up family devotions with your kids, Devotions for Families That Can’t Sit Still by Carolyn Williford might help. This family devotional book will capture the imagination and creativity of your children, even if they have always been bored with that family time called "devotions." Even your children who enjoy the reading, praying, and sharing type of devotionals will find this change in approach refreshing.

The action-packed devotional guide would be too exhausting to use every night. Williford suggests having family devotions one night a week, making it a fun family time everyone can look forward to.

The devotions were written for kids ages 5 to 12 but they can easily be adapted to use with younger or older children. Even though they're written as "family" these activities could also be used for kids’ clubs or other children programs.

Williford is very precise in giving basic, easy to follow instructions, even listing the materials needed for each devotional activity, so you can prepare ahead of time.

She suggests starting each devotional time with a short prayer, then a Bible reading, followed by the main activity and ending with closing prayer. But you adapt the session to any format you wish for your own family or group.

The exciting devotional activities include laser tag or darts, creative writing, nature hike, scavenger hunt, Bible charades, building with Lego or blocks, scientific experiments, art, clay or play doh, music praise night, magic tricks, servant jar, and games. This devotional book even offers an extensive section for holiday times including Children’s Day and preparing for vacation by burying the Grouch.

For parents and teachers who want to rekindle kids' excitement about spending time with God, Devotions for Families That Can't Sit Still could be a great resource to add to your home library.

Ruth Willms helps Christian parents teach Biblical principals to today's youth. She is the author of The Lion Tree, an exciting novel for ages 8 – 12, and A Christmas Present for Goliath, which retells the nativity story from a unique perspective. Visit to download her free gift to you, How to Introduce Your Kids to Jesus, Their Forever Friend.


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