
Friday, July 31, 2009

Review of The Homeschool Income Makeover by Tisha Silvers

I was delighted to discover The Homeschool Income Makeover by homeschooling mom and business owner Tisha Silvers. As a homeschool mom who also works at home, I understand the financial challenges faced by new homeschooling families. Tisha's book offers practical advice you can use to simultaneously build your homeschooling, start your home business and pay down your current debt.

Besides giving advice on how to start a home business and providing many creative business ideas, Tisha offers sound advice on reducing your current debt and creating support systems for your homeschool and home business. To start earning money as soon as possible, she advocates finding an existing market for your product or service first, and explains how to find one. She also provides suggestions on how to find affordable mentors for your business.

Tisha recommends making money management a family affair and explains how to help your kids make their own money. Even if you're not interested in starting your own biz right now, tips on how to think wisely about money and teach your kids sound money management principles.

One of the things I most appreciate about this book was Tisha's emphasis on the importance of support groups. She gives practical advice on how to create your own so you never feel alone while you're homeschooling and/or running a business.

The Homeschool Income Makeover is written in a step-by-step format and important principles are repeated throughout the book. It is generously sprinkled with personal anecdotes from Tisha's own experiences as a business owner and homeschooling mom. Reading the book is like sitting down with a good friend over a morning coffee.

Many of the recommended resources are only available to those living in the United States. However, you can look for similar resources in your own country.

The updated version has a bonus section that includes: social media explained in everyday language, affiliate marketing and resale rights information, Internet marketing basics, information on how to get started with homeschooling and other schooling options you can consider for your children. What I most appreciated here was her ready-to-use business plan templates.

If you would like to homeschool your children, but aren't sure you can afford to, you'll find some valuable ideas in The Homeschool Income Makeover.

The Homeschool Income Makeover is available in paperback on Lulu.

Or you can order the e-book for $10 less at Tisha's blog .


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