
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Review of Flabbergasted by Ray Blackston

Flabbergasted: A NovelSo, you just moved east for a girl and your job... but the girlfriend dumped you almost as soon as you landed and now you're all alone in a new city.What's a guy to do?

Well, if you're name's Jay Jarvis and you're in South Carolina, you do what all single guys (and real estate agents) do: head to the local church. It's the best place to scout out the female populations (and new clients, apparently).

Flabbergasted is a light-hearted story about guys and girls, dating, the beach, and the Christian life. Ray Blackston's character's are so real, you just want to jump into that lime green convertible with them and go along for the ride. But then, the story is so entertaining, you feel like you already are!

What I REALLY enjoyed about this book is that Blackston touches on some serious issues for Christians, but in hilarious style. Thought provoking, but so much fun you don't really notice.

If you're looking for a good book to add to your summer reading list, you should definitely check out Flabbergasted. It's got everything you need this summer - the beach, a little bit of drama, good friends, and lots of laughs.

Available now at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.  (Plus, it's available for your Kindle. How cool!)

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. 


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