
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Review of What Happened to My Life?

As I'm nearing another birthday (yep, it's one of those big "0" ones) I'm feeling a little reflective on my life. And one question that keeps popping up is...

"What happened to my life?"

Thankfully, that's exactly the question that Danna Demetre answers in her book What Happened to My life? Finding New Passion, Purpose, and Joy.This is a 40-day devotional book that helps you draw closer to God and re-examines God's promises for us.

Nowhere did He promise this was going to be all thrills and spills! In fact, He guaranteed we were going to have problems. But He did say He would be always be with us. And that is where many of us go wrong, it seems...

We think that being a "good" Christian will guarantee us happiness and fulfillment and lots of good times. Then we're disappointed when life doesn't work out that way. Demetre reminds us that that's not what God promised, and she helps us adjust to biblical thinking and finding contentment in all circumstances.

One thing I really enjoyed about this book was the personal stories shared by Demetre and other women she interviewed for this book. They have experienced great trials in their lives, and are living testaments to God's promise that He would always be there. They have found true contentment in their lives, many despite terrible and heartbreaking circumstances.

If you're wondering what has happened to YOUR life, the answer might be lying within these pages.

Available now at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.


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